Issue Date: 1999-01-01
Revised Date: 2005-09-01

Object Type

Cash — Claims and Judgments


Please see Fiscal Policies and Procedures (FPP) E.041 Settlement and Judgment Processing Guidelines for a detailed explanation of settlement and judgment processing requirements.


To record payment to a claimant or plaintiff for settlements and judgments, or to record payment for other legal expenses (excluding attorney's fees) that are recovered against the state under TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. §§ 101.023, 104.003, Federal Court Judgments, medical malpractice claims under Chapter 59, EDUCATION CODE, and other statutes. Interest associated with settlements and judgments is coded separately to ensure proper financial reporting of interest expenses (7241).

Expenditure code 7226 includes, but is NOT limited to:

  • Judgments, Claimant/Other Legal Expenses
  • Settlements, Claimant/Other Legal Expenses
  • Tort Claim (without lawsuit)


Settlements and judgments are processed with required pre-payment review of the governor and the attorney general. They require pre-payment audit approval by the comptroller to ensure that all requirements are met and all reviews have been performed. For tracking purposes, the claims must be coded exactly in accordance with comptroller instructions. Additionally, agencies must be mindful about the circumstances under which these payments are to be reported to the IRS.

This code does NOT include:

  • Payment to a claimant and attorney where attorney fees cannot be determined because they are commingled with payment to the claimant (7229)
  • Payment of attorney fees (7225)

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 24
Object Group 41 – Travel / Payroll Types
USAS Status A
Rev/Exp Category 17 – CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS