Issue Date: 2000-09-01
Revised Date: 2010-09-01

Object Type

Cash — Other Expenditures



To record payment for contracted temporary services from governmental or non-governmental sources, including in-state meals or lodging for non-state employees, and for goods or materials acquired or used during and for a qualified emergency abatement response.


The use of this object code does not preclude the agency from seeking competitive bids following usual state procurement policies, and conducting a good faith effort to include Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) when prudent. When HUB firms are utilized, an agency is encouraged to report these efforts to the Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) of the Comptroller's office.

This code does NOT include:

  • Purchased contracted services (7299)
  • Travel in-state -- meals and lodging for state employees (7106)
  • Travel in-state -- meals and lodging for board members (7110)
  • Travel in-state -- public transportation (7101) or mileage (7102)
  • Furnishings and equipment -- capitalized (7373), controlled (7374) or expensed (7334)

As of October 2008, previous agency restrictions for using this code were removed, allowing all state agencies with abatement expenses to utilize this code. The code once was restricted to agencies designated to assist with certain disasters under the state's Emergency Management plan.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Object Group 10 – Expenditures
USAS Status A
Rev/Exp Category 04 – OTHER EXPENDITURES