This revenue object is inactive. Please see the notes section for further information regarding the inactive status. Recently inactivated objects may remain active in USAS for a period of time to complete outstanding transactions or for other accounting purposes.

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Object Type

Cash — Business Regulation

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Collecting Agencies

Deposit Funds


Several Acts have applied to limited partnerships. The Uniform Limited Partnership Act created by H.B. 261, 54th Leg., R.S.  set fees for domestic limited partnerships at the following:
* Certificate filing - 1/2 of 1% of capital, but not less than $100 or more than $2,500.
* Certificate amendment without an increase in capital - $100.
* Amendment with an increase in capital - 1/2 of 1% of the increase, but not less than $100 or more than $2,500.
* Cancellation - $25.
For limited liability partnerships:
* Application or renewal application for each partner - $200.
* Amendment or correction - $10.

S.B. 563, 70th Leg. R.S. enacted the Revised Limited Partnership Act in 1987. The fees were revised and created under Revised Civil Statutes art. 6132a-1 sec. 12.01. The bill abolished the Uniform Limited Partnership Act 09/01/1992. Fees under the Revised Limited Partnership Act were set as follows:
* Certificate filing for limited partnership - $200.
* Registration as a foreign limited partnership - $750.
* Certificate of amendment, cancellation, merger etc. - $200.
* Application for reservation of name - $75.
* Change of registered office, registered agent, or location - $50
* Preclearance of any document for filing - $50.
* Filing any other instrument - $25.

During the period of time between the passage S.B. 563 in 1987 and 09/01/1992 limited partnerships, certain partnerships were subject to the Revised Limited Partnership Act and others to the Uniform Limited Partnership Act. As a result, two subtitles were created in the Manual of Accounts to track fees collected under the two acts.

H.B. 1156, 78th Leg., R.S. created the Business Organization Code which became effective 01/01/2006. With the codification of these fees under the Business Organization Code, this subtitle is no longer needed see subtitle 3133 - General Business Filing Fees - Limited and Registered Limited Liability Partnerships.

Amended by:
S.B. 215, 65th Leg., R.S.;
S.B. 563, 70th Leg. R.S.;
H.B. 278, 72nd Leg., R.S.;
H.B. 273, 73rd Leg., R.S.;
S.B. 555, 75th Leg., R.S.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 03 – Business Regulation
Receipt Type 30 – State Service Fees
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A