Issue Date: 2011-06-17
Revised Date: 2023-08-31

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Natural Resources

Origin Date

2011 by S.B. 1518, 82nd Leg., R.S.


The commission may lease any land or improvement that is part of a historic site described by Gov. Code Ch. 442, Subchapter C to a municipality, county, special district, nonprofit organization, or political subdivision.  After the execution of the lease, the leased area may not be referred to as a state facility and state funds may not be used to operate or maintain the property.

Due Date

As specified by the commission.


The Historic Site Account was recreated by S.B. 26 and H.B. 3317 (funds consolidation bill) 86th Leg., R.S. Deposit moved from GR 0001 to GR Account 5139 on January 1, 2020.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 08 – Natural Resources
Receipt Type 80 – Land Income
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A
Rev/Exp Category 04 – LAND INCOME