Issue Date:
Revised Date: 2018-03-07

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Natural Resources

Origin Date

1925 by the 39th Leg.


A fee of not less than 4 cents per ton for any marl sand, shell, mud shell or gravel sold from lands belonging to or held in trust by the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The department may harvest and sell any timber, hay or other product grown on land of the department in excess of management programming needs. Timber may be harvested only for pest management, salvage or habitat restoration.

The department may harvest and sell or sell in place, any timber, hay or other product grown on land of the department when the product is found to be in excess of wildlife management needs.

Due Date

As specified in the contract.


USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 08 – Natural Resources
Receipt Type 80 – Land Income
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A
Rev/Exp Category 04 – LAND INCOME