Issue Date:
Revised Date: 2015-08-04

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Health

Origin Date

August 27, 1973 by H.B. 447, 63rd Leg., R.S.


The Board of Pharmacy may charge a fee on each person who manufactures, distributes, analyzes or dispenses any controlled substance. These fees are set by the board and are used for administration of the Texas Prescription Program for Schedule II controlled substances.

The Department of Public Safety may collect fees for the licensing of organizations dispensing low-THC cannabis for medical uses (487.052). The department may collect fees for the registration of physicians in a compassionate-use registry.

The department may also charge administrative penalties up to $1,000 per violation per day (collected under revenue object 3770).

Due Date


Originally deposited to GR Account - Operators and Chauffeurs License (0099). H.B. 3050, 74th Leg., R.S. did not exempt these fees for deposit to GR Account 0099.

Amended by H.B. 1070, 75th Leg., R.S.

S.B. 1879, 80th Leg., R.S.

H.B. 1803, 83rd Leg., R.S. added dual registration for physicians and $50 registration fee.

Low-THC cannabis licensing and registration fees added by S.B. 339, 84th Leg., R.S.

S.B. 195, 84th Leg. R.S. moved the Texas Prescription Program from the Department of Public Safety to the Board of Pharmacy beginning fiscal 2016. However, the bill authorized the board to collect fees beginning in fiscal 2017. As a result, DPS continued to collect fees through fiscal 2016 and monitor the contract with the vendor.

For those that prescribe controlled substances, S.B. 195, 84th Leg., R.S. removed the requirement of registration with DPS and replaced with required registration with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. The bill repealed provisions requiring registration of physicians and the fee (not more than $50) charged at the same time as registration for a physician license (revenue code 3560). For physicians’ registration, Texas Medical Board accepted both fees and remitted the controlled substance registration fee to the DPS.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 12 – Health
Receipt Type 10 – Business/Professional Fees
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A