Issue Date: 1994-10-14
Revised Date: 2004-04-01

Legal Cites

Object Type

Non-Cash — Other Revenue

Origin Date


To record the donation of a capital asset that is not restricted for use in a specific program.

Due Date

At time of reporting.

Collecting Agencies

Deposit Funds


This code reflects receipts that are not restricted to capital expenditures. This code is rolled up to 'back out not applicable' and not reported as revenues for governmental funds because capital assets are not considered as current financial resources. The code is reported as 'capital contributions' for proprietary funds and 'general revenue -- capital contributions/(distributions)' under the General Revenue Section on the government-wide statement of activities.

See code 3881 for recording cash receipts/deposits and making accrual adjustments for funds that are not restricted to a specific program.

See code 3892 for recording the donation of capital assets that are restricted for use in a specific program.

See code 3833 for recording receipts/deposits and making accrual adjustment for funds that are restricted to s specific program.

See code 3740 for receipts that may be used either for operating expenses or for capital expenditures at the discretion of the agency. This code is reported as non-operating revenue on the operating statement and as program revenue -- operating grants and contributions on the government-wide statement of activities.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 24
Receipt Category 00 – Not applicable
Receipt Type 00 – Not applicable
Object Group 18 – Financial Reporting (Non Revenues)
USAS Status A
Rev/Exp Category NA – NOT APPLICABLE