Issue Date: 2021-09-01
Revised Date: 2023-09-01

Legal Cites


Out In For
7934 3934 Texas Music Incubator (5193)
7934 3934 Specialty Court (5184)
7934 3934 Sexual Assault Program (5010)


To record the annual allocation of $10 million in mixed beverage gross receipts tax to GR Account 5193 – Texas Music Incubator.

To record the 1% percent allocation of mixed beverage gross receipts tax and mixed beverage sales tax to GR Account 5184 - Specialty Court.

To record the 1% percent allocation of mixed beverage gross receipts tax and mixed beverage sales tax to GR Account 5010 - Sexual Assault Program.


$10 million allocation to GR account 5193 added by S.B. 609, 87th Leg., R.S.

1% allocation to GR account 5184 added by H.B. 1256, 87th Leg., R.S.

1% allocation to GR account 5010 added by H.B. 3345, 88th Leg., R.S.