Issue Date: 2016-09-28
Revised Date:

Legal Cites


Out In For
7911 3911 Foundation School (0193)
7911 3911 Available School Fund (0002) Inactive


To record the transfer of one-fourth of occupation taxes to fund public education per art. VII § 3, Texas Constitution.


Historically, this transfer code has been used the allocation of taxes to education funds and accounts. Prior to 9-1-84, 25% of certain taxes were deposited to the Available School Fund (0002).  H.B. 72, 68th Leg., 2nd C.S. changed the deposit to GR Account - Foundation School (0193).

The inactive transfer to the Available School Fund was originally added 9-1-93 to allocate Liquor, Beer, Wine and Malt Liquor taxes 5/24ths to Fund 0002 and 1/24th to GR Account 0193. Change based on H.B. 122, 68th Leg., 2nd C.S. containing latest enactment date. These taxes formerly allocated under H.B. 72, 68th Leg., R.S.

Statutory allocations of these taxes were inactivated 9-1-95 under funds consolidation, as the dedication were eliminated by §403.094, Government Code.