Issue Date: 2015-07-30
Revised Date: 2021-09-01

Legal Cites


Out In For
7927 3927 Rural Volunteer Fire Department Insurance (5066)
7927 3927 Horse Industry Escrow Trust Account (0876)
7927 3927 Texas Music Incubator (5193)


To record the allocation of 2% of sales tax (3102) on fireworks to GR Account 5066 - Rural Volunteer Fire Department Insurance. 

To record the allocation of sales tax on horse-related sales to Horse Industry Escrow Trust Account (0876)

To record the annual $100,000 allocation of sales tax to GR Account 5193 - Texas Music Incubator.


S.B. 761, 84th Leg., R.S. repealed the fireworks tax and replaced with an allocation of 2% of sales tax on fireworks.

Horse-related sales tax added by H.B. 2463, 86th Leg., R.S.

Allocation of sales tax to GR Account 5193 added by S.B. 609, 87th Leg., R.S.