Issue Date:
Revised Date: 2021-10-26

Legal Cites


Out In For
3999 3999 General Revenue


The Comptroller of Public Accounts may transfer surplus cash within the treasury, excluding constitutionally dedicated revenues, between funds and the General Revenue Fund (0001). Such transfers are for effective cash flow management and to avoid temporary cash deficiencies in the General Revenue Fund. Surplus cash is to be returned to the fund from which it was transferred as soon as practicable. The Comptroller shall preserve the fund equity and the treasury shall allocate the depository interest as if the transfers had not been made.


This accounting transaction will be made on a journal entry and may be used only by the Comptroller's office using agency 903.

Amounts which have been transferred into Fund 0001 represent a liability which must be transferred back to the source fund. Balances of the amounts currently held in Fund 0001 at any time can be obtained from agency 903 reports. The amount of available cash under the appropriation title "General Revenue Cash Flow Transfer" for Fund (0001) represents the total amount which must be repaid to source funds. The negative amounts of available cash under each of the other funds under this appropriation represent the amounts due to be repaid to each fund.