Issue Date:
Revised Date: 2021-10-26

Legal Cites


Out In For
7979 3979 General Revenue Fund (0001) Inactive
7980 3980 Operating Accounts In/Out
7981 3981 Central Services Account In/Out Deleted


To record the transfer from a statutory fund or account to a general operating account as provided by the General Appropriations Act for such items as matching benefits and miscellaneous claims.


7979/3979 formerly to record payments for pro rata share of the costs of maintaining and operating space occupied in various state buildings. Also used to pay for services rendered by administrative and service departments of state agencies to other state agencies.

7981/3981 previously used to transfer cash to the Central Services Account from noninstructional and general operating expense appropriations of a university system's component units. To establish revolving fund services such as motor pool and central supply.