Issue Date: 2001-09-01
Revised Date: 2021-10-26

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Out In For
7961 3961 General Revenue Fund (0001)


To record the transfer from funds to the General Revenue Fund (0001) for the payment of statewide TEX-AN telecommunications system services by the Department of Information Resources (DIR). Includes payments for Federal Telephone Service, General Service Administration and WATS lines. Fees are charged each entity that receives services in an amount sufficient to cover the direct and indirect costs of providing service. Revenue collected may be appropriated to the DIR for: 

  1. developing statewide information resources technology policies and planning under Chapters 2054 and 2059; and
  2. providing shared information resources technology services and network security services.


3961 used only by DIR to record the payment received and 7961 used by the paying agency to record the expenditure.

Program transferred by S.B. 311, 77th Leg., R.S. 

Amended by S.B. 1, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S. effective 9-28-11