Issue Date:
Revised Date: 2020-04-29

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Natural Resources

Origin Date

1917 by the 35th Leg.


Permit fees for acquiring a water right for:

  1. The fee for a by-pass permit, set by agency to recover costs, up to $100.
  2. A water permit application is $100.
  3. Filing an application for fixing or adjusting rates is $100.
  4. A one-time, non-refundable application fee for filing petition to create water district, addition of sewage or drainage powers, or conversion under this code.
  5. Application fee to cover costs of reviewing, processing, and filing a notice of a bond issue application. If bonds approved, seller pays a percentage of the proceeds up to 0.25% of the principal amount.
  6. Fee for use of water for irrigation of $0.50 per acre to be irrigated.
  7. Fee for impounding water of $0.50 per acre-foot based on holding capacity of reservoir.
  8. Fee for other uses of $1 per acre-foot based on consumption.
  9. Fees set by the commission for issuance of temporary or emergency permits up to $500.

Due Date

At time of application.


Previously deposited to General Revenue Fund (No. 0001)

(2)-(5) added by S.B. 288, 68th Leg., R.S.

(1), (2), Amended by H.B. 1593. 69th Leg., R.S.

Amended by S.B. 249, 69th Leg., R.S.;

(4), (5) H.B. 1328, 70th Leg., R.S.

Amended by H.B. 1986, 72nd Leg., R.S.,

Amended by H.B. 2605 and S.B. 1234, 73rd Leg., R.S.,

Deposit changed from GR Account -- Water Utility (0172) which was abolished by H.B. 3231, 75th Leg., R.S.

Amended by H.B. 2912, 77th Leg., R.S.

$75 fee for processing an expedited letter stating depth needed to protect usable ground water added by H.B. 3442, 78th Leg., R.S.

Agency name changed by H.B. 2912, 77th Leg., R.S. from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

$75 letter fee removed by H.B. 2694, 82nd Leg., R.S.

Fee for use of water for a steam or gas power plant repealed by H.B. 2694, 82nd Leg., R.S.

Amended by H.B. 2771, 86th Leg., R.S.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 08 – Natural Resources
Receipt Type 30 – State Service Fees
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A