Activity by Object
Agency 714 - University of Texas at Arlington
Fiscal Year 2025
September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024

Manual of Accounts = Comptroller Manual of Account details
All fiscal years = Amounts for all fiscal years
 ObjectRevenueExpendituresNet Activity
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Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3014 - Motor Vehicle Registration Fees370.98 0.00 370.98
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3103 - Limited Sales and Use Tax -- State258,801.60 0.00 258,801.60
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3105 - Discount for Sales Tax -- State Agencies and Higher Education1,711.20 0.00 1,711.20
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3505 - Higher Education, Tuition and Fees -- Non-Pledged10,000,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3790 - Deposit to Trust or Suspense81,726.82 0.00 81,726.82
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3851 - Interest on State Deposits and Treasury Investments -- General, Non-Program125,931.21 0.00 125,931.21
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7008 - Higher Education Salaries - Faculty/Academic Employees0.00 1,419,056.84 (1,419,056.84)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7010 - Higher Education Salaries - Professional/ Administrative Employees0.00 3,980,517.54 (3,980,517.54)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7014 - Higher Education Salaries - Student Employees0.00 597,459.80 (597,459.80)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7015 - Higher Education Salaries - Classified Employees0.00 4,483,574.96 (4,483,574.96)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7020 - Hazardous Duty Pay0.00 3,723.99 (3,723.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7021 - Overtime Pay0.00 97,369.84 (97,369.84)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7022 - Longevity Pay0.00 100,337.67 (100,337.67)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7041 - Employee Insurance Payments - Employer Contribution0.00 2,767,845.11 (2,767,845.11)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7043 - F.I.C.A. Employer Matching Contributions0.00 655,663.60 (655,663.60)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7061 - Workers' Compensation Claims -- Self Insurance Programs0.00 31,201.42 (31,201.42)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7086 - Optional Retirement - State Match0.00 570,366.39 (570,366.39)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7087 - Optional Retirement Differential0.00 116,990.41 (116,990.41)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7201 - Membership Dues0.00 985.00 (985.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7203 - Registration Fees - Employee Attendance at Seminars and Conferences0.00 65,638.00 (65,638.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7210 - Fees and Other Charges0.00 18,000.00 (18,000.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7240 - Consultant Services - Other0.00 38,549.61 (38,549.61)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7245 - Financial and Accounting Services0.00 20,000.00 (20,000.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7253 - Other Professional Services0.00 1,325.00 (1,325.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7300 - Consumables0.00 820.00 (820.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7373 - Personal Property - Furnishings and Equipment - Capitalized0.00 135,563.16 (135,563.16)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7909 - Teacher Retirement Reimbursement0.00 534,425.45 (534,425.45)