Issue Date: 1985-09-01
Revised Date: 2015-11-04

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Health

Origin Date

1985 by H.B. 2359, 69th Leg., R.S.


Class I industrial solid waste or hazardous waste:

(1) Annual generation fee between $50 and $50,000 for generation of hazardous waste or $10,000 for generation of nonhazardous waste. Commission by rule may exempt small quantities from the fee.

2) Annual facility fee is imposed on each person who holds one or more permits or operates a unit subject to permit to process, store or dispose of waste between $250 and $25,000. Commission shall adopt a fee schedule for determining amounts of annual fee.

(3) Annual waste management fee up to $40 per ton for wastes that are landfilled.

(4) Fee for each dry weight ton of waste disposed through land disposal is imposed on owner or operator of a hazardous waste land disposal facility, except that the fee for primary metals, high volume, low-hazard is 25% of the fee.

(5) Permit application fee established by rule is imposed on applicant for an industrial solid waste or hazardous waste permit of between $2,000 and $50,000.

(6) Penalty for transporting hazardous waste without proper manifest first conviction fine between $100 and $50,000 with subsequent convictions between $200 and $100,000.

(7) Fine for exporting hazardous waste (first offense) up to $250,000; subsequent fine up to $1,000,000.

(8) Commercial hazardous waste fee rates shall be established by rule for commercial storage, processing, disposal of hazardous waste, and manner of collection. Amounts shall be revised as necessary. No more than $16 million in these fees may be deposited to GR Account - Hazardous and Solid Waste Remediation Fees (0550) per year, after payments to counties.

Due Date

Annually on dates determined by the commission, except dry weight fees are due quarterly.


Amended by S.B. 1446, 70th Leg., R.S.

Amended by S.B. 1544, 71st Leg., R.S.

Amended by H.B. 1986, 72nd Leg., R.S.

Amounts amended by S.B. 1201, 73rd Leg., R.S.

$100 civil penalty deleted per S.B. 1876, 75th Leg., R.S.

Agency name changed from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission per H.B. 2912, 77th Leg., R.S.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 12 – Health
Receipt Type 10 – Business/Professional Fees
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A