Activity by Object
Agency 104 - Legislative Budget Board
Fiscal Year 2024
September 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Manual of Accounts = Comptroller Manual of Account details
All fiscal years = Amounts for all fiscal years
 ObjectRevenueExpendituresNet Activity
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Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3722 - Conference, Seminars, and Training Registration Fees600.00 0.00 600.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3765 - Interagency Sale of Supplies/Equipment/Services8,700.00 0.00 8,700.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3790 - Deposit to Trust or Suspense11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3980 - Operating Account Transfers In1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7002 - Salaries and Wages - Classified and Non-Classified Permanent Full-Time Employees0.00 10,956,210.86 (10,956,210.86)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7003 - Salaries and Wages - Classified and Non-Classified Permanent Part-Time Employees0.00 308,690.39 (308,690.39)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7017 - One-Time Merit Increase0.00 10,350.00 (10,350.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7019 - Compensatory Time Pay0.00 19,827.36 (19,827.36)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7022 - Longevity Pay0.00 121,320.00 (121,320.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7023 - Lump Sum Termination Payment0.00 50,652.65 (50,652.65)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7032 - Employees Retirement -- State Contribution0.00 1,038,319.27 (1,038,319.27)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7033 - Employee Retirement -- Other Employment Expenses0.00 44,683.02 (44,683.02)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7040 - Additional Payroll Retirement Contribution0.00 56,325.11 (56,325.11)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7041 - Employee Insurance Payments - Employer Contribution0.00 823,284.85 (823,284.85)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7042 - Payroll Health Insurance Contribution0.00 108,778.93 (108,778.93)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7043 - F.I.C.A. Employer Matching Contributions0.00 828,930.94 (828,930.94)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7050 - Benefit Replacement Pay0.00 4,963.14 (4,963.14)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7101 - Travel In-State - Public Transportation Fares0.00 2,239.63 (2,239.63)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7102 - Travel In-State - Mileage0.00 583.72 (583.72)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7104 - Travel In-State - Actual Meal and Lodging Expenses-- Overnight Travel0.00 161.00 (161.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7105 - Travel In-State - Incidental Expenses0.00 1,438.70 (1,438.70)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7106 - Travel In-State - Meals and Lodging0.00 11,476.12 (11,476.12)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7111 - Travel Out-of-State - Public Transportation Fares0.00 2,087.91 (2,087.91)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7115 - Travel Out-of-State - Incidental Expenses0.00 598.49 (598.49)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7116 - Travel Out-of-State - Meals and Lodging0.00 3,706.26 (3,706.26)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7201 - Membership Dues0.00 1,176.99 (1,176.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7203 - Registration Fees - Employee Attendance at Seminars and Conferences0.00 11,899.00 (11,899.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7210 - Fees and Other Charges0.00 2,330.00 (2,330.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7211 - Awards0.00 281.25 (281.25)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7243 - Educational/Training Services0.00 15,820.15 (15,820.15)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7253 - Other Professional Services0.00 4,500.00 (4,500.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7267 - Personal Property - Maintenance and Repair - Computer Equipment - Expensed0.00 21,234.00 (21,234.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7273 - Reproduction and Printing Services0.00 2,600.00 (2,600.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7276 - Communication Services0.00 4,842.78 (4,842.78)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7286 - Freight/Delivery Service0.00 160.00 (160.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7291 - Postal Services0.00 611.08 (611.08)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7299 - Purchased Contracted Services0.00 713.00 (713.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7300 - Consumables0.00 8,656.52 (8,656.52)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7303 - Subscriptions, Periodicals, and Information Services0.00 1,334.09 (1,334.09)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7304 - Fuels and Lubricants - Other0.00 10.99 (10.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7315 - Food Purchased By The State0.00 2,840.10 (2,840.10)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7334 - Personal Property - Furnishings, Equipment and Other - Expensed0.00 12,122.54 (12,122.54)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7335 - Parts - Computer Equipment - Expensed0.00 1,534.94 (1,534.94)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7367 - Personal Property - Maintenance and Repair - Expensed0.00 742.50 (742.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7377 - Personal Property - Computer Equipment - Expensed0.00 25,840.88 (25,840.88)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7379 - Personal Property - Computer Equipment - Capitalized0.00 102,869.26 (102,869.26)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7380 - Intangible Property - Computer Software - Expensed0.00 184,232.59 (184,232.59)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7382 - Personal Property - Books and Reference Materials - Expensed0.00 6,611.94 (6,611.94)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7406 - Rental of Furnishings and Equipment0.00 16,556.89 (16,556.89)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7510 - Telecommunications - Parts and Supplies0.00 18.95 (18.95)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7516 - Telecommunications - Other Service Charges0.00 10,351.27 (10,351.27)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7517 - Personal Property - Telecommunications Equipment - Expensed0.00 392.50 (392.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7806 - Interest On Delayed Payments0.00 16.73 (16.73)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7901 - Interagency Purchase of Goods and Services (Memo Only)0.00 89,776.17 (89,776.17)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7902 - Trust or Suspense Payment0.00 11,000.00 (11,000.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7947 - State Office of Risk Management Assessments0.00 10,928.60 (10,928.60)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7980 - Operating Account Transfers Out0.00 1,100.00 (1,100.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7984 - Unemployment Compensation Benefit Transfers-- Special Funds/Accounts to GR 0001 and Account 01650.00 7,501.00 (7,501.00)