Activity by Object
Fund 5041 - Railroad Commission Federal
Fiscal Year 2024
September 1, 2023 - July 31, 2024

Manual of Accounts = Comptroller Manual of Account details
All fiscal years = Amounts for all fiscal years
 ObjectRevenueExpendituresNet Activity
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Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3700 - Federal Receipts Matched -- Other Programs1,813,259.90 0.00 1,813,259.90
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 3701 - Federal Receipts Not Matched -- Other Programs7,618,682.98 0.00 7,618,682.98
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7002 - Salaries and Wages - Classified and Non-Classified Permanent Full-Time Employees0.00 1,740,305.93 (1,740,305.93)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7022 - Longevity Pay0.00 23,789.88 (23,789.88)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7023 - Lump Sum Termination Payment0.00 6,866.61 (6,866.61)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7032 - Employees Retirement -- State Contribution0.00 161,589.85 (161,589.85)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7033 - Employee Retirement -- Other Employment Expenses0.00 5,977.30 (5,977.30)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7040 - Additional Payroll Retirement Contribution0.00 8,700.27 (8,700.27)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7041 - Employee Insurance Payments - Employer Contribution0.00 170,426.47 (170,426.47)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7042 - Payroll Health Insurance Contribution0.00 16,001.59 (16,001.59)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7043 - F.I.C.A. Employer Matching Contributions0.00 131,735.96 (131,735.96)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7050 - Benefit Replacement Pay0.00 1,026.86 (1,026.86)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7101 - Travel In-State - Public Transportation Fares0.00 1,535.62 (1,535.62)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7105 - Travel In-State - Incidental Expenses0.00 2,643.63 (2,643.63)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7106 - Travel In-State - Meals and Lodging0.00 23,462.21 (23,462.21)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7107 - Travel In-State - Non-Overnight Travel (Meals)0.00 22.49 (22.49)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7111 - Travel Out-of-State - Public Transportation Fares0.00 6,073.27 (6,073.27)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7115 - Travel Out-of-State - Incidental Expenses0.00 869.99 (869.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7116 - Travel Out-of-State - Meals and Lodging0.00 6,814.01 (6,814.01)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7203 - Registration Fees - Employee Attendance at Seminars and Conferences0.00 6,330.10 (6,330.10)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7210 - Fees and Other Charges0.00 2,486.20 (2,486.20)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7243 - Educational/Training Services0.00 2,516.53 (2,516.53)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7253 - Other Professional Services0.00 230,308.91 (230,308.91)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7256 - Architectural/Engineering Services0.00 104,740.69 (104,740.69)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7273 - Reproduction and Printing Services0.00 156.75 (156.75)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7286 - Freight/Delivery Service0.00 52.00 (52.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7291 - Postal Services0.00 377.50 (377.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7299 - Purchased Contracted Services0.00 8,617,844.35 (8,617,844.35)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7300 - Consumables0.00 1,132.69 (1,132.69)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7303 - Subscriptions, Periodicals, and Information Services0.00 2,332.00 (2,332.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7304 - Fuels and Lubricants - Other0.00 11,335.49 (11,335.49)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7330 - Parts - Furnishings and Equipment0.00 891.81 (891.81)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7334 - Personal Property - Furnishings, Equipment and Other - Expensed0.00 1,212.08 (1,212.08)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7368 - Personal Property - Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles - Expensed0.00 7,524.73 (7,524.73)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7372 - Personal Property - Other Motor Vehicles - Capitalized0.00 439,100.00 (439,100.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7374 - Personal Property - Furnishings and Equipment - Controlled0.00 555.00 (555.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7377 - Personal Property - Computer Equipment - Expensed0.00 130.14 (130.14)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7380 - Intangible Property - Computer Software - Expensed0.00 17,163.73 (17,163.73)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7406 - Rental of Furnishings and Equipment0.00 665.50 (665.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7470 - Rental of Space0.00 6,747.50 (6,747.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7516 - Telecommunications - Other Service Charges0.00 9,547.99 (9,547.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7901 - Interagency Purchase of Goods and Services (Memo Only)0.00 1,067.52 (1,067.52)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7947 - State Office of Risk Management Assessments0.00 1,465.00 (1,465.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7961 - STS (Tex-An) Transfers to General Revenue0.00 0.01 (0.01)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 7962 - Capitol Complex Transfers to General Revenue0.00 3,283.05 (3,283.05)