This revenue object is inactive. Please see the notes section for further information regarding the inactive status. Recently inactivated objects may remain active in USAS for a period of time to complete outstanding transactions or for other accounting purposes.

Issue Date: 2003-09-01
Revised Date: 2019-09-01

Legal Cites

Object Type

Cash — Transportation

Origin Date

2003 by H.B. 3588, 78th Leg., R.S. and H.B. 2, 78th Leg., 3rd C.S.


The department shall assess an annual surcharge on the license of a person who has accumulated six or more points during the preceding 36 month period related to moving violations at a rate of $100 for the first 6 points and $25 for each additional point.

A $1,000 per year surcharge is assessed on a DWI conviction during the preceding 36-month period, except that the amount is $1,500 for a second conviction within a 36-month period and $2,000 if a 0.16 or more alcohol level is shown.

A $250 per year surcharge is assessed for conviction of driving while license is invalid or without financial responsibility. The surcharge is reduced to $125 for driving without financial responsibility if the person establishes financial responsibility within 60 days.

 A $100 per year surcharge is assessed on conviction of driving without a license. The surcharge is reduced to $50 if the person obtains a license within 60 days.

Due Date

Within 30 days of notification by the department. The department may by rule provide for installment payments.

Deposit Funds


H.B. 2, 78th Leg., 3rd C.S. redirected deposits for the 2004-05 biennium to 49.5% to the Mobility Fund (No. 0365) and 49.5% to GR Account -- Designated Trauma Facility and EMS (No. 5111). The remaining 1% to General Revenue.

H.B. 7, 84th Leg., R.S. reduced fees for driving without a license and financial responsibility.

Driver responsibility program and surcharges repealed by H.B. 2048, 86th Leg., R.S.

USAS Values

Appropriation Year 25
Receipt Category 01 – Transportation
Receipt Type 20 – Non-Commercial Licenses and Permits
Object Group 30 – Revenues
USAS Status A