Activity by Fund
Agency 320 - Texas Workforce Commission
Fiscal Year 2024
September 1, 2023 - July 31, 2024

Manual of Accounts = Comptroller Manual of Account details
All fiscal years = Amounts for all fiscal years
 FundRevenueExpendituresNet Activity
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Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0001 - General Revenue Fund78,343,900.04 306,034,654.21 (227,690,754.17)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0165 - Unemployment Compensation Special Administration19,587,187.93 9,001,820.72 10,585,367.21
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0325 - Coronavirus Relief Fund692,234,983.39 704,684,014.38 (12,449,030.99)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0492 - Business Enterprise Program878,219.04 941,330.07 (63,111.03)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0493 - Endowment Fund for the Blind7,888.54 6,941.63 946.91
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0807 - Child Support Employee Deductions - Offset Account515,111.13 512,080.01 3,031.12
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0844 - Texas Workforce Commission Obligation Trust Fund90,415.21 0.00 90,415.21
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0894 - Texas Workforce Commission Wage Determination Trust Fund3,467,794.85 3,174,245.69 293,549.16
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0900 - Departmental Suspense(1,290,119.49) 0.00 (1,290,119.49)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0925 - Career School or College Tuition Trust Account5,680,126.04 5,439,008.86 241,117.18
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0936 - Unemployment Compensation Clearance Account2,244,661,931.77 2,244,446,551.70 215,380.07
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0937 - Unemployment Compensation Benefit Account2,862,967,988.43 2,883,772,796.89 (20,804,808.46)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0938 - Unemployment Trust Fund Account (in the Federal Treasury)2,419,883,374.73 2,882,116,882.23 (462,233,507.50)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0980 - Correction Account For Direct Deposit31,506.54 0.00 31,506.54
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5026 - Workforce Commission Federal1,987,653,876.38 1,970,765,532.73 16,888,343.65
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5043 - Business Enterprises Program Trust981,727.29 1,598,086.80 (616,359.51)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5128 - Employment and Training Investment Holding130,005,399.42 0.00 130,005,399.42
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5177 - Identification Fee Exemption286,343.66 30,295.56 256,048.10
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5198 - Lone Star Workforce of the Future2,500,000.00 0.00 2,500,000.00