Activity by Fund
Agency 582 - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Fiscal Year 2024
September 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Manual of Accounts = Comptroller Manual of Account details
All fiscal years = Amounts for all fiscal years
 FundRevenueExpendituresNet Activity
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Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0001 - General Revenue Fund17,498,993.22 23,709,101.43 (6,210,108.21)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0088 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste13,144,107.50 14,609,248.87 (1,465,141.37)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0151 - Clean Air78,300,867.25 67,309,659.06 10,991,208.19
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0153 - Water Resource Management114,649,969.82 110,973,266.11 3,676,703.71
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0158 - Watermaster Administration3,216,131.70 2,590,179.01 625,952.69
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0308 - Leaking Water Wells Fund10,359,536.50 0.00 10,359,536.50
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0325 - Coronavirus Relief Fund734,415.87 733,360.19 1,055.68
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0468 - Texas Commission On Environmental Quality Occupational Licensing2,457,285.89 1,941,385.04 515,900.85
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0549 - Waste Management189,569,521.28 51,738,640.28 137,830,881.00
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0550 - Hazardous and Solid Waste Remediation Fees27,511,761.96 26,125,985.92 1,385,776.04
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0655 - Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation20,438,002.54 36,662,204.55 (16,224,202.01)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0802 - License Plate Trust Fund885.41 236.09 649.32
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0807 - Child Support Employee Deductions - Offset Account240,132.55 241,218.95 (1,086.40)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0900 - Departmental Suspense23,902.81 0.00 23,902.81
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0930 - RESTORE Act Trust Fund 13,920,238.00 13,912,124.54 8,113.46
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 0980 - Correction Account For Direct Deposit16,752.38 0.00 16,752.38
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 1201 - Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Trust221,379,179.31 202,949,932.48 18,429,246.83
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5000 - Solid Waste Disposal Fees(145,215,681.30) 0.00 (145,215,681.30)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5020 - Workplace Chemicals List1,875,597.01 1,095,773.59 779,823.42
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5065 - Environmental Testing Laboratory Accreditation620,463.06 773,178.96 (152,715.90)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5071 - Emissions Reduction Plan725,949,338.10 726,340,722.10 (391,384.00)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5093 - Dry Cleaning Facility Release2,055,074.84 3,078,076.02 (1,023,001.18)
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5094 - Operating Permit Fees40,558,493.02 37,083,758.67 3,474,734.35
Manual of Accounts All fiscal years 5158 - Environmental Radiation and Perpetual Care4,263,389.50 0.00 4,263,389.50